
TR53 Certified ESD Auditor Training

UPDATE: The ESD Association is replacing the TR53 Certified ESD Technician program with a new training program in 2022. ASCC has reviewed the proposed concept.  The additional student fees, which will consist of annual recertification as well as mandatory re-training and re-testing whenever the standard is updated, are the primary reasons that ASCC has decided not to participate in the ESDA’s new program. ASCC will be convert back to the private training and certification program that has been in existence since 2008 and has trained over 600 people worldwide.

The ASCC TR53 program will teach attendees how to make the measurements to verify that the installed ESD controls meet the requirements of ANSI/ESD S20.20 using the ESD Association’s Technical Report ESD TR53.

Participants will learn how to make compliance verification measurements including worksurfaces, flooring, ionizers, packaging and static control garments. More importantly, attendees will learn how to determine and correct the root cause of any ESD control item that fails to meet requirements.

The three day class includes one day of classroom instruction, a one day hands-on workshop and an optional certification exam on the third day.

Attendees that pass the exam will be certified by ASCC and will be listed on the Prostat University website .

ASCC is offering this program in cooperation with Prostat. Class dates and location along with online registration can be made by following this link:

ESD Auditors:

Have your ESD auditors ever received training on how to make audit measurements that are a required part of ANSI/ESD S20.20 and IEC 61340-5-1? In order to be effective, auditors need to have a thorough understanding of the standards, how the audit equipment functions and how to determine the reason for audit failures.

ASCC can design a training program that will give your auditors the skills and confidence required to make thorough and effective audits.

Process Assessment:

A process assessment is a detailed approach that looks at each step of a manufacturing and handling process. Measurements taken help to determine which ESD discharge models are present in your process along with the voltage levels.

Semiconductor products have been becoming more sensitive to ESD since the mid 1990’s as described in various white papers published by the Industry ESD Council. That trend is forecast to continue into the foreseeable future. Customers have recently started asking suppliers and contract manufacturers to “prove” that their processes can safely handle these ESD sensitive products.

ASCC has the experience and process knowledge to train your people how to make their own process assessments.

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